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excel - vba - 2. 有条件组合的囚室
原标题:excel - vba - Get cell color of conditionally formatted cell

I m 试图利用VBA 书写器取得细胞色

Public Function GetCellColor(cell As Range) As Long
    GetCellColor = cell.Interior.Color
End Function

这套工作是人工包装的电池。 但是,如果我使用一个有条件的单元,那么它只是显示单元的价值,没有格式。

因此,当我试图使用下文中本应找到有条件组合的囚室的VBA。 但是,它给我一个“#VALUE”错误。 我在下面的文字上做了什么错误?

Function GetCellColor(cell As Range) As String
    GetCellColor = cell.DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
End Function


Option Explicit

Public Function CellFillColor(target As Range, Optional returnFormat As String = "IDX") As Variant
Dim retArray()
Dim rowCounter As Long
Dim colCounter As Long
Dim colorValue As Long
    If TypeName(target) = "Range" Then
        ReDim retArray(target.Rows.Count - 1, target.Columns.Count - 1)
        For rowCounter = 0 To target.Rows.Count - 1
            For colCounter = 0 To target.Columns.Count - 1
                colorValue = Evaluate("useDF(" & target.Cells(rowCounter + 1, colCounter + 1).Address & ")")
                Select Case UCase(returnFormat)
                    Case "RGB":
                                retArray(rowCounter, colCounter) = _
                                                                    Format((colorValue Mod 256), "00") & ", " & _
                                                                    Format(((colorValue  256) Mod 256), "00") & ", " & _
                                                                    Format((colorValue  65536), "00")
                    Case "HEX":
                                retArray(rowCounter, colCounter) = _
                                                                    "#" & _
                                                                    Format(Hex(colorValue Mod 256), "00") & _
                                                                    Format(Hex((colorValue  256) Mod 256), "00") & _
                                                                    Format(Hex((colorValue  65536)), "00")
                    Case "IDX": retArray(rowCounter, colCounter) = colorValue
                    Case Else: retArray(rowCounter, colCounter) = colorValue
                End Select
            Next colCounter
        Next rowCounter
        CellFillColor = retArray  IIf(target.CountLarge = 1, retArray(0, 0), retArray)
    End If
End Function

Private Function useDF(ByVal target As Range) As Variant
    useDF = target.DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
End Function

 in Immediate Window
 Range("G16").Interior.Color=13551615<-IDX value


它基于Jaafar Tribak。 s 代码,他在

I hope this helps.
Feel free to take it apart and/or rearrange it as above code was written for giving more choices to the user thereby making it (unnecessarily?) longer.

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