English 中文(简体)
原标题:Rails and JQuery - can t disable a links default action

我有一个“核对”的链接,与同名控制者的行动相径庭。 其路线是作为POST的要求。 Ive set up the Code but what whening is the jquery$.post fires as Hope, but the html request also when is mean my action is being used two. 我可以说明原因。 谁会发现错误吗?

我的申请。 j)

   beforeSend : function(xhr) {xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/javascript")}

$(document).ready(function() {
 $( ul li.sentence_summary a.correct ).click(function(){
      $(this).css("border", "1px black solid");
      $.post($(this).attr("href"), null, null, "script");
      return false;



 def check
    @sentence_author = User.find(params[:user_id])
    @sentence = @sentence_author.sentences.find(params[:id])
    @sentence.checked_at = Time.now
    @sentence.checker_id = current_user.id
    respond_to do |format|
      if @sentence.save!
        flash[:notice] = "Thank you for checking #{@sentence_author.to_s}s sentence."
        format.js {  }
        format.html { redirect_to user_foreign_sentences_path(current_user, :display => :pending) }
        format.xml  { head :ok }




我认为,可以部分地作出判决。 部分转而采用下文所示的观点帮助方法,使链接得以链接。

%li{:id => ["sentence", "#{sentence.id}"], :class => "sentence_summary bottom_border_light"}
    = thumbnail_link_to_user_profile(sentence.user, User::GRAVATAR_M)
      = link_to_user_profile(sentence.user)
      = t( sentences.table.wrote )

      = sentence.text
        = created_at_linked_to_sentence_show_path(sentence)
        = render_check_options(sentence)
        = render_edit_options(sentence)
        = render_flag(sentence)


  def render_check_options( sentence)
    if sentence.user != current_user and sentence.language == current_user.native_language and sentence.pending?
      html = link_to("correct", check_user_sentence_path(sentence.user, sentence), :method => "post", :class => "action_options underline_on_hover always_blue correct")
      html += link_to("incorrect", new_sentence_correction_path(sentence), :class => "action_options underline_on_hover always_blue incorrect")
      return html

UPDATE 2* as per tonys advice heres what happens in my firebug console

console.debug($( ul li.sentence_summary a.correct ));


[a.action_options /users/9...24/check, a.action_options  /users/2...26/check, a.action_options /users/2...27/check, a.action_options  /users/9...28/check, a.action_options /users/1.../8/check, a.action_options  /users/2...10/check, a.action_options /users/1...11/check, a.action_options  /users/9...12/check]


   $( ul li.sentence_summary a.correct ).unbind( click );

    $( ul li.sentence_summary a.correct ).click(function(){
          return false;


        <div class="left">
          <a href="/users/9"><img alt="D03e17968fe80cd2d3816e86a7e072f9" class="avatar" src="http://gravatar.com/avatar/d03e17968fe80cd2d3816e86a7e072f9.png?d=identicon&amp;r=PG&amp;s=45"></a>
        <div class="left main_info_container">
            <a href="/users/9" class="user_name_link underline_on_hover always_blue">maxwell.wiegand</a>
          <div class="main_focus">
            Aspernatur eum tenetur dolorem impedit dolor modi illum.
          <div class="bottom_bar">
            <div class="left">
              <a href="/users/9/sentences/24" class="meta-data underline_on_hover">2 days ago</a>
            <div style="display: none;" class="right rollover_options">
              <a href="/users/9/sentences/24/check" class="action_options underline_on_hover always_blue correct" onclick="var f = document.createElement( form ); f.style.display =  none ; this.parentNode.appendChild(f); f.method =  POST ; f.action = this.href;var m = document.createElement( input ); m.setAttribute( type ,  hidden ); m.setAttribute( name ,  _method ); m.setAttribute( value ,  post ); f.appendChild(m);var s = document.createElement( input ); s.setAttribute( type ,  hidden ); s.setAttribute( name ,  authenticity_token ); s.setAttribute( value ,  ZD3boP6x3HjxzvLBQmTsJT2xCWGQoq8j7M0ZSD6UGbE= ); f.appendChild(s);f.submit();return false;">correct</a><a href="/sentences/24/corrections/new" class="action_options underline_on_hover always_blue incorrect">incorrect</a>

              <a href="/sentences/24/flags/new" class="action_options underline_on_hover always_blue">flag</a>
            <div class="clear"></div>
        <div class="clear"></div>


$(this).css("border", "1px black solid");
      $.post($(this).attr("href"), null, null, "script");



如果你把一把 link光带回来,那就不应该。 我将检查两件事:

1) Make sure the selector is correct: what is the output when you do this?

console.debug($( ul li.sentence_summary a.correct ));

2) Make sure no other click handlers are interfering: After you have checked #1, open up your JS console and do:

$( ul li.sentence_summary a.correct ).unbind( click );

这将排除所有点击事件,包括你想要发生的事件。 然后,通过执行你在奥索尔的惯常守则(只有点击手里的假回来),将点击事件进行了合并。 这将确保只有一人听从你的联系点击事件,一名手势者会回错,不执行这一联系。

3) 张贴有关产生的超文本,以便我们能够采取眼光

html = link_to("correct", check_user_sentence_path(sentence.user, sentence), :method => "post", :class => "action_options underline_on_hover always_blue correct")

<代码>:method =>“post”可能是你在此提出的问题的根源。 这说明 建造提交表格的铁路,意思是:return false; 是你认为做的。


   $( ul li.sentence_summary a.correct ).click(function(e){
      $(this).css("border", "1px black solid");
      $.post($(this).attr("href"), null, null, "script");

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