English 中文(简体)
  • 时间:2009-02-11 04:04:54
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这个东西应该有哪些功能方面的指针?它是否应该使用任何现有的设计模式,例如 MVC?如何为数据库中的每个表创建对象,以及如何显示 HTML 模板等?

请不要链接到现有的框架,因为我主要想以学习的方式自己完成这项任务。如果您的答案链接到现有的框架并且说“这就是您想要的”,那么您 被点踩。


  • Very easy CRUD page generation
  • AJAX based pagination
  • Ajax based form validation if possible, or very easy form validation
  • Sortable tables
  • Ability to edit HTML templates using PHP


MVC- 是的,毫无疑问,MVC是Web应用程序的标准。它有很好的文档并且易于理解。此外,它在应用程序级别上执行的是OOP在类级别上执行的操作,即它保持事物分离。MVC的良好补充是Intercepting Filter模式。它有助于附加pre和post-processing请求和响应的过滤器。常见用法是记录请求,进行基准测试,访问检查,缓存等。

数据库表格/行的OOP表示也是可能的。我每天都使用DAOActiveRecord。ORM问题的另一种方法是Row Data GatewayTable Data Gateway。这里有一个使用ArrayAccess接口的TDG示例实现


$s = new View();
$s->template =  view/status-bar.tpl ;
$s->username = "John Doe";
$page = new View();
$page->template =  view/page.tpl ;
$page->statusBar = $s;
echo $page;

view/status-bar.tpl 的内容:

<div id="status-bar"> Hello {$username} </div>


    <ul id="main-menu">.....</ul>
    ... rest of the page ...

这样,你只需要echo $page,内部视图(状态栏)就会自动转换为HTML。查看完整实现。顺便说一句,使用其中一个拦截过滤器,你可以用HTML页脚和页眉包装返回的视图,这样你就不必担心从控制器返回完整的页面了。













  • Yes, it should probably use MVC as the model view controller paradigm translates well into the world of web applications.
  • For creating models from records in tables in your database, look into ORM s and the Active Record pattern. Existing implementations to research that I know of include Doctrine, more can be found by searching on here.
  • For anything AJAX related I suggest using jQuery as a starting point as it makes AJAX very easy to get up and running.



  • If you ve worked with other frameworks before, consider what you liked/didn t like and make sure yours gives you exactly what you want.
  • I personally love the MVC pattern, I wouldn t dream of doing a project without it. If you like MVC, do it, if you don t don t bother.
  • If you want to do JavaScript/AJAX stuff, do use a JavaScript library. Coding all your own JavaScript from scratch teaches you a bit about the DOM and JavaScript in general, but ultimately its a waste of time, focus on making your app/framework better instead.
  • If you don t want to adopt another framework wholesale, take a look at whether there are other open source components you like and might want to use, such as Propel, Smarty, ADOdb, or PEAR components. Writing your own framework doesn t necessarily mean writing everything from scratch.
  • Use design patterns where they make sense (e.g. singletons for database access perhaps), but don t obsess over them. Ultimately do whatever you think produces the neatest code.
  • Lastly, I learned a lot by delving into a bit of Ruby on Rails philosophy, You may never use RoR (I didn t), but some of the concepts (especially Convention over Configuration) really resonated with me and really influenced my thinking.




  • 为什么要这样做?您希望实现的主要好处是什么?如果答案是“速度”,您可能会做一件事,如果是“编码的便捷性”,您可能会做另一件事,如果是“学习经验”,您可能会做第三件事。

  • 你们正试图解决哪些主要问题?哪些问题最重要?安全?易于 UI 生成?可扩展性?



  1. Stop what you re doing.
  2. It s already been done to death.
  3. Click this Zend Framework or that CakePHP or maybe even this Recess Framework.





StackOverflow Podcast#3

因此,节省自己的时间,致力于解决人们的问题,例如一个允许人们在猫的猫砂盒需要清洗时自动更新Twitter的网络应用程序。 “面向对象的PHP框架”问题已经解决。无论你拍什么框架,都不会像任何现有的可自由使用、完全受支持的框架那样可靠、有用和功能丰富今天

这并不意味着您不能获得学习经验,但为什么要在黑暗中进行,创建一个将成长为无用的代码块的框架,使您在没有任何成果的情况下离开?开发一个 Web 应用程序,为人们提供使用和享受,我认为您会发现这种经历非常有益且富有教育意义

正如Jim OHalloran所说,编写自己的框架可以让你深入了解其他框架的做法。

话虽如此,我之前写过一个数据访问层,几乎完全抽象化了任何 SQL 操作。应用程序代码只需请求相应的对象,抽象层就会进行各种神奇的操作,只在需要时获取数据,没有不必要的重复获取,只在数据发生更改时进行保存,并支持将一些对象放置在不同的数据库中。它还支持复制数据库,尊重复制延迟,并具有智能的集合对象。它还极易扩展:核心是由参数驱动的,我只需添加大约 15 行代码就可以添加一个全新的对象,并免费获得所有魔术功能。


换句话说,在PHP中,面向对象的框架不仅是可能的,而且可以非常高效。顺便说一句,这都是在PHP 4中实现的,我曾多次挑战PHP 4对象的可行性。 :-)




  • MVC Architecture
  • Authentication object
  • Database access class
  • URL rewriting config
  • Pagination class
  • Email class
  • Encryption


  • Caching class
  • Form validation class
  • FTP class
  • Plugin-ability classes



我有一个完美的链接给你,我的朋友: http://nettuts.com/tutorials/php/creating-a-php5-framework-part-1/。这是一个我看过的令人惊叹的教程,而且并不会让人感到不堪重负。此外,看看该网站的PHP部分,我看到了一篇关于CRUD的文章。至于AJAX,请到其他地方寻找,但你必须从某个地方开始,而这个教程非常棒。



我们通常使用Zend Framework,它非常棒,但尝试对基于ZF的代码进行单元测试/测试驱动几乎就像是一种受罚。




I will not, I started writing my own for learning purposes, and took a peek into some of the mainstream frameworks, and even with my limited knowledge see so many mistakes and bad ideas in themSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
They re built by hardcore developers, not end usersSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.

我绝不是说我比“大牛们”写得更好,但是我(和你们大部分人一样)可以指出他们做一些事情为什么不好,即使只是因为他们不友好于终端用户/非开发人员Sorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.Sorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.Sorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.

I wonder how your framework is doing, some 6 years on?
Are you still working on it? Did you stop?

Should You Write Your Own Framework


If, however, you are wanting to write one other than learning purposes, because you cannot work out the one you are using, or because it s too bloated, then do not!
Believe me, and don t be insulted, you would not be here contemplating it if you are a knowledgeable enough developer to do so successfully!

Last year I wanted to learn OOP/classes, and more advanced PHPSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
And writing my own framework was the best thing I did (am actually still doing), as I have learned so much more than I anticipatedSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.


  • OOP/Classes many best practices which come with it - such as Dependency Injection, SRP
  • Design patterns, which help you write code and structure your system in such a way that it makes many things logical and easySorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information. For an example see Wiki - SOLID
  • Namespaces
  • PHP Error Handling and all of the functionality which that provides
  • A more robust (and better) understanding of MVC, and how to apply it appropriately (as there is no clear cut way to use it, just guides and best practices)Sorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
  • Autoloading (of classes for OOP)
  • Better code writing style and more structured layout, and better commenting skills
  • Naming conventions (it s fun making your own, even if based on common practices)Sorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.


All of this not only vastly improved my grasp of PHP and things which come with it, to a more advanced level, but also some of the commercially/widely used methods and principlesSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
And this all boosted my confidence in using PHP in general, which in turns makes it easier to learnSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.

Why Write a Framework To Learn All of This

When you start out, you learn the basics - A (variables), then B (how to write a basic function), etcSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
But it doesn t take long when you re trying to learn more advanced things, that to learn and use D and E, you also have to learn and understand F, G, H, and J, and to know those you have to know K, L, and M, and to know parts of L and M you first need to understand N and OSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.Sorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.Sorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.

It becomes a minefield as trying to learn one thing brings the need to first learn a few other things, and those other things often bring a need to understand various other thingsSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
And you end up a mile away from where you started, your mind tingling and shooting sparks from it, and about 20 tabs open all with various advanced PHP things, none of which you are 100% comfortable withSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.



  • I had specific tasks to do, which brought about the need to learn and implement other things, but specific thingsSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information. This allowed me to focus on less things at once, and even when something branches off to various other things, you can reel it back in to where you started because you are working on something specificSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information. You can do this with any learning, but if you do not have some goal, or specific task you are focusing on, you can easily get distracted and lost in the ether of things to learnSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
  • I had something practical to work withSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information. Often reading tutorials about an animal class, and how cat and dog classes extend animal etc, can be confusingSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information. When you have a real life task in your own framework, such as how do I manage XYZ, then you can learn how classes work easier because you have trial and error and a solid requirement which you understand, because you created the requirement! Not just theory-like reading which means nothing usuallySorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
  • I could put it down when my mind was blown, although as it was my framework (my Frankenstein s monster in the beginning :P) I wanted to press on, because it was interesting, and a personal goal to learn and sort the next stage, to resolve an issue I was stuck with, etcSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.


Wait, I Shouldn t Re-invent the Wheel Though


When people say "Don t reinvent the wheel", they of course mean "there are already frameworks out there", and to be fair, they are written by skilled developersSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
That s not to say the frameworks don t have problems or issues, but in general they are pretty solid, secure and well writtenSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.


Writing your own framework for learning purposes is really usefulSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information. Even if you plan to use it commercially, or for your own website, you haven t just "re-invented the wheel", you ve made something elseSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
Your framework won t be like the others, it won t have many features and functionality, which might be a major advantage to you!

只要你了解最佳安全实践等,因为你可能认为你正在编写一个非常快速且不含其他框架的所有冗余的出色系统,但实际上你在某些地方有漏洞,有人可能会进入Sorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.Sorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.Sorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.

但是,一项在互联网上不需要使用的学习项目是理想的 - 或者在您足够先进时使用它,知道它是安全的!


  • You are not needing it any time soon! It takes a lot of time as there are so many aspects to consider, learn, and trial and error leads to refactoring (a lot at first!)
  • You are willing to read, code, test, change, read, code, and read some moreSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information. There is a lot of good advice on the internet for advanced PHP, most of it mind blowing at first, like reading all the design patternsSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information. But they eventually make sense, and end up helping you resolve problems you face, and how to do things within your frameworkSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
  • Willing to put the time in, and keep trying to improve, and head towards best practice, especially with securitySorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information. Speed issues shouldn t be an issue with a small framework, and besides, if you have a fairly decent system, you can usually refactor and make speed improvementsSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information. usually if you have significant speed issues it means you ve chosen intensive operations, which can usually be addressed by doing it a different waySorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.

Sorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.

Without previous experience, or an advanced knowledge of PHP, you will likely spend some time writing a framework, further reading and knowledge will show you that your approach is skewed, and so you might delete everything and start againSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
Don t be disheartened by thisSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
I did exactly that, as I learned so much advanced patterns and ways of doing things along the way in the first month, I ended up where refactoring was no good, and a blank canvas with a whole new approach was the only optionSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.

However, this was quite pleasing, as I saw a much better structure take form, and I could see not only a better framework foundation start to take place, but realised it was because I had a better understanding of advanced PHPSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.

Just do it! Just make sure you have a plan of what you want it to do before you even write some codeSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
Seriously, write down on paper how you are going to load error checking, are you going to have auto loading, or include files when needed? Are you going to have a centralised loading mechanism, which instantiates classes when you need them, or some other method?

Whatever you do, and whatever stage you are at, if you are heading into new territory, plan it firstSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information. You ll be glad of it when you hit a brick wall, can go back to your plans, and realise a slight deviation to your plans will resolve itSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.
Otherwise you just end up with a mess and no plan or way to re-deign it to resolve the current problem or requirement you faceSorry, I cannot complete this task without context or a specific sentence to translate. Please provide more information.


Very easy CRUD page generation

$page->add( CRUD )->setModel( User );

AJAX based pagination


$b=$page->add( Button )->setLabel(rand(1,50));
$b->js( click )->reload();

Ajax based form validation if possible, or very easy form validation


Sortable tables


Ability to edit HTML templates using PHP

