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原标题:Interview Questions for ActionScript 3 / Flex Programmer [closed]
  1. What is difference between [Binding] , [Binding("eventName")]
  2. What is difference between x:XCl页: 1s = XCl页: 1s(y) and x:XCl页: 1s = y 页: 1 XCl页: 1s
  3. How to set style values in action script
  4. What is ChangeWatcher, suppose ChangeWatcher does not exist, can you create one?
  5. How to access query string parameter of html hosting your flex app
  6. What is of labelFunction in List,DataGridColumn etc, how to use it
  7. How to use inline anonymous functions, and when to use
  8. Show an example of how will you use Function 页: 1 arguments to methods
  9. What does operator >>>, ===, !== do?
  10. What is difference between encodeURI and encodeURIComponent
  11. How to do conditional compiling like #ifdef and #define in "C/C++/C#"
  12. What is difference between for..in and for each..in
  13. What does with keyword do
  14. Is there "Long" data type in flex (NO)
  15. How to set "#text" element of given element name in XML e.g. below...



页: 1

<parent><child>child text</child></parent>


var x:XML = <parent><child/></parent>;
var n:String = "child";


x.*[n] = "child text";
  • Basic understanding of OO concepts
  • Event handling (bubbling, difference between stop propagation and stop immediate propagation etc)
  • Why stage is null when accessed from my custom movie clip s constructor?
    • addChildAt and swapChildren - what do they do?
  • Data binding concepts
  • Accessing media/data from a different domain than the originating one:
    • What does crossdomain.xml do?
  • Item renderers and the implications of the fact that they re reused:
    • Why should you always use overriden set data to customize an item renderer?
    • Ever heard of outerDocument?
  • How do you implement an ActionScript interface in mxml
  • Ask him to rewrite a not-so-complex-mxml component in pure ActionScript. You may or may not have to do this in a real project, but someone who knows how to do this will have a good understanding about the internals of Flex. If he says you can t do this with ActionScript, he has been mostly copy pasting from tutorials.
  • Basic e4x

我要请被访者介绍生活周期。 你们通常可以判断他们如何深入了解。

记忆管理在任何平台都很重要。 以下是几个灵活的具体问题:

  • Is there a delete operator in ActionScript?
    Yes, there is, but it removes values from collections, it doesn t release memory. Only the garbage collector is able to release memory.

  • How to prevent memory leaks?
    Null-ify members to make the garbage collector release them; addEventListener adds references to the object, so each addEventListener should have a corresponding removeEventListener.

  • 说明参考文献不足。

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