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Using jquery to get a partial view and updating the UI

I need to render a partial view (returned from the controller) to show some customer summary details. This will need to happen when the user clicks on a button. In the the mean time the user can select different customers on a grid. I keep note of the selected customer id in a hidden field using jquery on the grids selection changed event. When the user clicks on a button i need to pass this hidden field value (selected id) to the controller, the controller does some work and returns a partial view. I then need to render this partial view on the page. I have tried the following but have two problems

  1. I cant fig out how to send the hidden field value to the controller
  2. After the partial view is rendered I cant get it to rerender if the user selects another customer and clicks the button again

The code:

  #PlaceHolder is just a div element

function DoSomwWork() {
                $( #PlaceHolder )
                .load( <%= Url.Action("GetSelectedCustSummary", 
                                       new { selectedId = **HIDDEN FIELD VAL HERE** })%> );

I doubt you will be able to do it this way.

However since you are already using MVC, you shall be able to define a action ("GetSelectedCustSummary"in your case) and return a json object instead, then manipulate it with your jQuery

Update: Define Action Method something like:

public JsonResult ActionName(string id)
    //some logic here to get QueryResult
    return Json(QueryResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

then call your Action Method in Jquery:

    //you can assign id dynamically
    url:  <%= Url.Content("~/Controller/ActionName/YourId") %> ,
    type:  GET ,
    dataType:  json ,
    success: function (data) {
       //manipulate your div content with data
    error: function (e) {
        //manipulate your div content with error

Every time you click update button, assign the id you want, and trigger the Jquery function. It worked for me in my project

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