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Noob j Query “$” function Return question
原标题:Noob jQuery "$" function return question


<input type="text" id="priceperperson1" name="priceperperson1" />
<input type="text" name="personsvalue1" class="countme" readonly="readonly" />


jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$( div.pricerow input.countme ).each(function(){ 
var id = this.name.substr(this.name.length-1);
alert($( input#priceperperson +id));
this.value = parseInt($( priceperperson +id).value) * parseInt($( countpersons +id).value); 

尽可能短。 我的警钟都是“目标”。 价值是NaN. I ve试图在id子上“混凝土”。 我尝试:

$( [name=priceperperson +id+ ] );
$( priceperperson +id);



当你填写<代码>$(>时,请检索j Query物体。



alert( $( input#priceperper......n +id).val() );


I m guessing it s causesing the $ changing to be re-fin, in the function -- and not point to the jQuery scode>$ ( function anymore.

I m thinking about this one :

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {


jQuery(document).ready(function() {

当你穿着 j子时,我认为你必须使用:

页: 1 姓名


// Shortcut for doc ready
 // Loop through values
 var id = $(this).attr( name );

 alert($( input#priceperperson  + id).val());

http://api.jquery.com/val/“rel=“nofollow noreferer”>.val()?

this.val(parseInt($( priceperperson +id).val()));

All I ve in alert is "Object"... Value is NaN. I ve tried to "parseInt"


parseInt(variable, 10);


然后, par(Int)作为第二个参数需要rad。 类似:

this.value = parseInt($( priceperperson +id).val(), 10) * parseInt($( countpersons +id).val(), 10); 

2. 贵 义

your code id = lenght 1 OK if id lenght > 1 ?? possible exception

价格主人1 页: 1

# option # proposal

<input type="text" id="priceperperson_1" name="priceperperson_1" /> // => use "_"
<input type="text" name="personsvalue_1" class="countme" readonly="readonly" />

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $( div.pricerow input.countme ).each(function(){ 
        var id = this.name.split("_")[1]; // => get array value 
        this.value = parseInt($( [name=priceperperson_ +id+ ] ).value()) *parseInt($( [name=countpersons= +id+ ] ).value()); 

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