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原标题:Scalability issue with singleton object (remoting)


Hi All,

We have a singleton object hosted in windows service. It works fine untill the number of simultaneous client requests exceeds some magical number around 100. After this all new calls seems to be queued and processed one by one only when one of current connections is released.


At the time when it happens the number of threads (according to Task Manager) is about 120 so thread pooling shouldn’t be an issue (there are 2 CPUs which makes up to 512 threads, if I correctly understand). There is also plenty of free memory (the process allocates about 200-300 MB and there is still more than 1GB of free memory)


下面是 app片。

        <wellknown type="CompanyName.Server.ServerStub, MyServer" objectUri="MyServer" mode="Singleton"/>
        <channel port="3210" ref="tcp">
            <formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full"/>

通常只有1个单一州目标。 它处理所有要求。 在大约100项请求之后,你可能会注意到一些缓冲器正在填充,从而放缓。

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