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Writing a custom bash-completion rule

I have directories full of files with the same prefix, which I want to be able to quickly open in vim. For example, I might have:

$ ls *
bar_10  bar_20  bar_30

foo_10  foo_20  foo_30

What I want is to be able to be in one of these directories and type:

$ vim <TAB>

and it autocomplete to:

$ vim bar_

To achieve this I am happy to have a file per directory called ".completion" which has "bar_" in it.

The issue I have is I would like the following behaviour:

  * "vim <TAB>"  -->  "vim bar_"           // no space
  * "vim bar_1"  -->  "vim bar_10 "        // space

Where | is the cursor, so if a file matches, add the space on the end. If we re matching the prefix, don t add a space.

The best I have so far is this behaviour minus the adding a space at the end. I ve tried all sorts of things, all to no avail. The following is what I have:

    local cur opts
    local -a toks


    if [ -f .completion ]; then
        opts=`cat .completion`

        if [[ ${opts} = ${cur} ]]; then
            toks=( $(compgen -f ${cur} | sed -e  s/$/ / ) )
            if [[ -z ${cur} ]]; then
                toks=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
                toks=( $(compgen -f ${cur} | sed -e  s/$/ / ) )
        toks=( $(compgen -f ${cur} | sed -e  s/$/ / ) )

    COMPREPLY=( "${toks[@]}" )

complete -F _vim -o nospace vim

Any ideas on how I can get it to add the space after the file name completion, but not after the prefix completion would be greatly appreciated.


The trailing space that sed is adding is getting dropped. Try this:

     # this will allow filenames with spaces (but not filenames with newlines)
toks=( $(compgen -f -- "${cur}" ))    # the -- protects against filenames that start with a hyphen
toks=("${toks[@]/%/ }")    # add a trailing space to each element


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