I have directories full of files with the same prefix, which I want to be able to quickly open in vim. For example, I might have:
$ ls *
bar_10 bar_20 bar_30
foo_10 foo_20 foo_30
What I want is to be able to be in one of these directories and type:
$ vim <TAB>
and it autocomplete to:
$ vim bar_
To achieve this I am happy to have a file per directory called ".completion" which has "bar_" in it.
The issue I have is I would like the following behaviour:
* "vim <TAB>" --> "vim bar_" // no space
* "vim bar_1" --> "vim bar_10 " // space
Where | is the cursor, so if a file matches, add the space on the end. If we re matching the prefix, don t add a space.
The best I have so far is this behaviour minus the adding a space at the end. I ve tried all sorts of things, all to no avail. The following is what I have:
local cur opts
local -a toks
if [ -f .completion ]; then
opts=`cat .completion`
if [[ ${opts} = ${cur} ]]; then
toks=( $(compgen -f ${cur} | sed -e s/$/ / ) )
if [[ -z ${cur} ]]; then
toks=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
toks=( $(compgen -f ${cur} | sed -e s/$/ / ) )
toks=( $(compgen -f ${cur} | sed -e s/$/ / ) )
COMPREPLY=( "${toks[@]}" )
complete -F _vim -o nospace vim
Any ideas on how I can get it to add the space after the file name completion, but not after the prefix completion would be greatly appreciated.