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xforms: how to prevent xxforms:default value from over-writing user input

I have a dropdown to display status, which can be Enabled(true) or Disabled(false). Here is my xml instance.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

By default, status should be true. So I have set it in binding as follows.

<xforms:bind nodeset="./status" xxforms:default="true()" />

When user chooses Disabled in the dropdown, the status should get saved as false. Here is the xml that gets saved when I save the form.


When I open the form in edit mode, this is the xml I get in the XML inspector widget.


Status gets set to true because of xxforms:default, even though the xml is saved with a false value for status.

How can I fix this?

Here is the xhtml:

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

        <title>XForms Default</title>

            <xforms:instance id="instance">
                    <name xmlns=""/>    
                    <status xmlns=""/>

            <xforms:instance id="status-instance">
                    <item label="Enabled" value="true" xmlns=""/>
                    <item label="Disabled" value="false" xmlns=""/>

            <xforms:bind nodeset="instance( instance )">
                <xforms:bind nodeset="./status" xxforms:default="true()" />

            <xforms:input ref="instance( instance )/name" incremental="true">
                <xforms:label>Please enter your name:</xforms:label>
            <xforms:select1 ref="instance( instance )/status" appearance="minimal" incremental="true">
                <xforms:label>Please select status:</xforms:label>
                <xforms:itemset nodeset="instance( status-instance )/item">
                    <xforms:label ref="./@label"/>
                    <xforms:value ref="./@value"/>

If this happens, it s a bug. xxforms:default should only be evaluated once.



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