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原标题:Why do I get NPE in the following code?

以下编码按预期执行,但最终给出<代码>NullPointerException。 我在这里做了什么错误?

(ns my-first-macro)

(defmacro exec-all [& commands]
  (map (fn [c] `(println "Code: "  ~c "	=>	Result: " ~c)) commands))

  (cons 2 [4 5 6])
  ({:k 3 :m 8} :k)
  (conj [4 5 d] e f))

; Output:
; Clojure 1.2.0-master-SNAPSHOT
; Code:  (cons 2 [4 5 6])   =>  Result:  (2 4 5 6)
; Code:  ({:k 3, :m 8} :k)  =>  Result:  3
; Code:  (conj [4 5 d] e f)     =>  Result:  [4 5 d e f]
; java.lang.NullPointerException (MyFirstMacro.clj:0)
; 1:1 user=> #<Namespace my-first-macro>
; 1:2 my-first-macro=> 

http://paste.pocoo.org/show/237463/“rel=“nofollow noretinger”here



(macroexpand  (exec-all (cons 2 [4 5 6])))
((clojure.core/println "Code: " (quote (cons 2 [4 5 6])) "	=>	Result: " (cons 2 [4 5 6])))



(defmacro exec-all [& commands]
  (cons  do (map (fn [c] `(println "Code: "  ~c "	=>	Result: " ~c)) commands)))


(defmacro exec-all [& commands]
  `(doseq [c# ~(vec (map (fn [c]
                           `(fn [] (println "Code: "  ~c "=> Result: " ~c)))


(doseq [c [(fn []
             (println "Code: "       (conj [2 3 4] 5)
                      "=> Result: " (conj [2 3 4] 5)))
           (fn []
             (println "Code: "       (+ 1 2)
                      "=> Result: " (+ 1 2)))]]

注:fn form, 其价值将受c约束,在宏观扩展时间以病媒收集。



user=> (exec-all (conj [2 3 4] 5) (+ 1 2))                                                                                                    
Code:  (conj [2 3 4] 5) => Result:  [2 3 4 5]
Code:  (+ 1 2) => Result:  3

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