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• 如何将阿雷拉作为参数通过至鲁比的SOAP
原标题:How to pass Array as parameter to SOAP in Ruby

Currently I m using Savon to work with WebService in ruby. It works pretty well but I have difficulty to pass parameter for argument of SOAP array type. Following code doesn t work properly:

ids = [0,1,2]
client.do_get_items { |soap| soap.body = {
     item-list  => ids

I would appreciate if you can solve my problem or propose an alternative library for ruby&soap



ids = [0,1,2]
client.do_get_items { |soap| soap.body = {
   item-list  => {
     item1  => 0,
     item2  => 1,
     item3  => 2



def soap_array(array)
  returning({}) do |hash|
    array.each_with_index do |e, i|
      hash["item-#{i}"] = e

我也存在同样的问题。 作为两项请求的论点,我不得不发出一系列的论据。 我使用了萨文版本2。

class JvMatching

    CLIENT_ID =  bb_matchnig 

    extend Savon::Model

    operations :query_index

    # arg1, arg 2 - name of parameters that should be arrays of string
    def self.query_index(contents=[], constraints=[], focus= job , result_size=20)
        super(message: { arg0: CLIENT_ID, arg1: { item: contents }, arg2: { item: constraints }, arg3: focus, arg4: result_size })      



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