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Clr 4.0 自动托管申请中的WPF用户配置
原标题:Cannot create a WPF UserControl in a Clr 4.0 self hosting application because of a stackoverflow error


现在,我想把我的解决办法移至《刑法》第4条,除非我试图建立一个拥有相关Xaml资源的用户委员会,否则所有东西都会奏效。 在该案中,它造成了一种累进错,迫使这一进程退出! 但是,如果我通过守则(不读Xaml)建立一些世界森林论坛控制,那么所有东西都会奏效!

在我进入之前,我得以在框架守则中向前迈进。 XamlReader.LoadBaml 方法,在实施以下法典后不久即坠毁:

            // We don t actually use the GeneratedInternalTypeHelper any more.
            // But for v3 compat, don t allow loading of internals in PT unless there is one.
            Type internalTypeHelper = null;
            if (streamInfo.Assembly != null) 
                    internalTypeHelper = XamlTypeMapper.GetInternalTypeHelperTypeFromAssembly(parserContext);
                // This can perform attribute reflection which will fail if the assembly has unresolvable
                // attributes. If that happens, just assume there is no helper.
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (MS.Internal.CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(e))





我发现这个问题,是因为在Stackoveflow(上设立了另一个员额。 在Delphi和没有JCL的情况下主办《刑法》——例如,见重要说明。

我不得不与Seta8087CW(133F美元)一道,然后, we子停止了!

I still have a weird behaviour though: everything s fine without any debugger, but if i run the app from VS2010, then a black wpf form is displayed preventing me from interacting with the content. However, if i run the app then attach with the debugger then everything s fine!

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