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原标题:Storing ASP.NET MVC 2 session data on login

I ve got a implementation similar to this: 更妥善地进行高度类型的伙伴关系。 NET MVC 会议


(1) 用户何时被拖拉,但会议将无效或重新开始? 我始终认为,只要用户在会议上签字,其会议就有效......。

2) 在用户记录中,我想填满数据,但我不知道如何在标识上查阅这些数据。 账户主计长有一套记录仪,但尽管有表格。 签字 在方法上,我看不出它实际上在使用者中签字的情况,因为成员是成员。 GetUser () 返回无效,直至AFTER 网页改头......



  1. There s a difference between session and authentication. Session is available throughout the whole application, even if a user is not signed in.
  2. In the default ASP.NET MVC 2.0 project template you can populate the session data just after the call of FormsService.SignIn. This is where the user credentials have been validated and an authentication cookie will is written to the response. You can use the provided username to fetch any user information from the database if you need to.


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