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原标题:Eclipse: Working with Systemresources

根据的反馈意见。 URL toload resources from the categorypath in Java i 改变了我的项目,将我的形象资源纳入图像。 jar

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我的项目设置 现在



InputStream connectedImage = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("images/logo.png");



<<>My problem

Eclipse cannot find the Systemresource based on that url. In order to get it to work, i have to

  1. Manually create Images.jar containing my image folder
  2. Add the Images.jar file to the Eclipse project

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我需要的是。

  1. How can i configure Eclipse so i can use the same code to load the image from either Images.Jar (if run from commandprompt) or from the images folder(if run from Eclipse)?

  2. Is there any way to make Eclipse include my /images/ folder when creating a runnable jar file of my program? Currently it does not include anything besides refereced jar files and source code.



  1. set the directory as source folder: right click -> Build Path -> Use as Source Folder
  2. change the structure of Images.jar so that the image files are on root (not under any directory)
  3. 将守则改为:

    InputStream connectedImage = 

<>UPDATE:与1, 您可以在与班级相同的jar里出口图像。



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