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2. 加工前宏观错误[封闭]
原标题:Stange error with preprocessor macro [closed]
  • 时间:2010-07-25 13:05:33
  •  标签:
  • c++

i have changed code style and aslo i hope it will help http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/pearls/spacemod.cpp

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#define MEASURE(T,  text)
   int i;
cout<<text<<"	";                       

 cout<<sizeof(T)<<"	";                     
 int lastp=0;
  for ( i=0;i<11;i++){                
      T *p=new T;                                  
      int thisp=(int)p;                                   
       if (lastp!=0)   cout<<" "<<thisp-lastp;           
  using namespace std;
template <class T>
void measure(char *text)
    cout<<"measure"<<text<<"	";  
int main(){

     return 0;


1>c:usersdaviddocumentsvisual studio 2010projectsmeasuremeasure.cpp(5): error C2447:  {  : missing function header (old-style formal list?)

页: 1 线路本身以及<代码>int i;,可能还有该宏观的空线(我不相信这一点)。



虽然inline don t guarantee,该编码实际上已上网,但我往往总是让编辑选择。

而代号是宏观,我在C++的顶端 heavily着,特别是在复杂情况下,例如:-

你在宏观的第一线上缺乏一条线延续性。 你们可以看到,通过管理加工商(例如,G++使用——E国旗)来扩大你的宏观。

尽管如此,我看不出为什么你首先需要宏观。 为什么不使用简单的模板功能?

Ok, its the continuation character after the #define as you got from the prevoius answears. You should try to avoid defines as far as possible, exactly because they can lead to such errors which don t mean anything. I think you did that define to increase performance, but there is a better way to do this. Define this function as an "inline" function in the header. You can read more about inline functions for example here: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/functions2/

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