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AOP with Local Variable Annotation
原标题:AOP with Local Variable Annotations

我想利用当地可变的说明来更好地执行《公约》。 一种想法是采用“未来”和“T>”概念,采用“说明”作为代理。

@NonBlocking ExpensiveObject exp = new ExpensiveObject(); 
//returns immediately, but has threaded out instantiation of the ExpensiveObject.

//okay, now it blocks until it s finished instantiating and then executes #doStuff

我能否用这种 some子 sick住AspectJ,并了解我希望用当地可变的说明做些什么? 我知道其他透镜已经表明, Java确实支持.,但会是魔鬼。 我确实不想绕过未来和打破cap头。


你不能用代理人这样做,但如果你注意到这种类型,而不是地方变量,那么通过人工编码进行编织会让你去。 (我不认为当地可变准入是一个要点。) 不管怎么说,这里有一些法典。


public @interface Later {}


package com.dummy.aspectj;
public class HeavyObject{

    public HeavyObject(){
        System.out.println("Boy, I am heavy");


package com.dummy.aspectj;
public class HeavyLifter{

    public static void main(final String[] args){
        final HeavyObject fatman = new HeavyObject();
        System.out.println("Finished with main");



package com.dummy.aspectj;
public aspect LaterAspect{

    pointcut laterInstantiation() :
        execution(@Later *.new(..))    ;

    void around() : laterInstantiation() {
        new Thread(new Runnable(){
            public void run(){
                System.out.println("Wait... this is too heavy");

                } catch(final InterruptedException e){
                    throw new IllegalStateException(e);
                System.out.println("OK, now I am up to the task");



Finished with main
Wait... this is too heavy
OK, now I am up to the task
Boy, I am heavy


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