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原标题:Can t consume API with DIO in Flutter

我试图与德国国际交易日志一道消费APIC端点,但没有显示任何数据。 当我与邮政员一起尝试时,终点站的工作是正确的,但我不敢肯定什么错误。 我的守则如下:

import  package:dio/dio.dart ;
import  package:flutter/material.dart ;
import  package:tes2/article.dart ;

class ArticleProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
  List<Article> articles = [];
  final Dio dio = Dio();

  Future<List<Article>> getAllArticles() async {
    try {
      const String url = ;
      Response response = await dio.get(
      articles = (response.data[ data ][ article ] as List)
          .map((e) => Article.fromJson(e))

      return articles;
    } catch (e) {

class Article {
  String? id;
  String? image;
  String? title;
  String? author;
  String? topic;
  int? viewCount;
  int? commentCount;
  String? date;
  bool? saved;


  Article.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    id = json[ id ];
    image = json[ image ];
    title = json[ title ];
    author = json[ author ];
    topic = json[ topic ];
    viewCount = json[ view_count ];
    commentCount = json[ comment_count ];
    date = json[ date ];
    saved = json[ saved ];

class ArticleListScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  const ArticleListScreen({Key? key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // Register ArticleProvider as a provider above the widget tree
    final articleProvider = Provider.of<ArticleProvider>(context);

    // Execute fetchArticles when the widget is built

    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text( Daftar Artikel ),
      body: Consumer<ArticleProvider>(
        builder: (context, articleProvider, _) {
          // Check if the article data has been retrieved
          if (articleProvider.articles.isEmpty) {
            return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());

          // Display the article data
          return ListView.builder(
            itemCount: articleProvider.articles.length,
            itemBuilder: (context, index) {
              return ListTile(
                    Image.network(articleProvider.articles[index].image ??   ),
                title: Text(articleProvider.articles[index].title ??   ),
                subtitle: Text(articleProvider.articles[index].author ??   ),

谁能帮助我? 我 st着这一错误,我已经尝试过许多辅导员,但似乎没有他们工作。。 谢谢。



增 编

  articles = (response.data[ data ][ article ] as List)
      .map((e) => Article.fromJson(e))
  // This will notify listeners and cause re-render.
  return articles;

But in your current code this may cause recursive calls. so also change the following code

final articleProvider = Provider.of<ArticleProvider>(context);


final articleProvider = Provider.of<ArticleProvider>(context,listen: false);

I don t know where are you creating the provider. Wherever you are creating it, make sure it s similar 纽约总部 this pattern

    MultiProvider(providers: [
      ChangeNotifierProvider(create: (_)=> ArticleProvider())
      child: const MyApp(),

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