我删除了我申请中的所有关键部分,但基本上这些灰色箱应该放下。 在现代浏览器中,它做了精细......但在IE6/7中,页面内容遮掩了它(以及一些导航链接......)。 我可以提供更多必要的信息,让我知道。
(page & Code @ abovelink, and also listed here forlight)
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html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
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del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
b, u, i, center,
dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
fieldset, form, label, legend,
table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td {
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font-size: 62.5%; }
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/* ======= GENERAL SITE STYLES ==================== */
a img {
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h2 {
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font: bold 11px Verdana;
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html, body {
height: 100%; }
body {
font-family: Verdana;
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/*Opera Fix*/
body:before {
content: "";
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form label {
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body.ie6 #header_nest img, body.ie7 #header_nest img {
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body.ie6 #header_nest p, body.ie7 #header_nest p {
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ul#nav {
padding: 0 0 0 20px;
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font: normal 11px Verdana, sans-serif;
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body.ie6 ul#nav li, body.ie7 ul#nav li {
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ul#nav li h2 {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
z-index: -1;
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font: normal 11px Verdana, sans-serif; }
body.ie6 ul#nav li h2, body.ie7 ul#nav li h2 {
display: inline; }
ul#nav li h2 a {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
z-index: 4;
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position: relative;
color: #999;
padding: 20px 10px 20px 40px;
white-space: nowrap; }
body.ie6 ul#nav li h2 a, body.ie7 ul#nav li h2 a {
display: inline; }
ul#nav li.mega {
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ul#nav li.mega div {
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border-bottom: 2px solid #999;
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left: 0;
margin-right: 40px;
background: #CCC;
ul#nav li.mega div h3 {
display: inline;
font: bold 13px Verdana, sans-serif; }
ul#nav li.hovering div {
display: block; }
ul#nav img {
position: absolute;
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top: 50%;
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left: 8px; }
/* --------- Main portion (content, sidebar) ---------- */
#wrap {
min-height: 100%;
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#main {
overflow: auto;
padding-bottom: 150px;
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#content {
padding: 40px;
overflow: auto;
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#contentwrapper {
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/* NEW STYLES ------------------------- */
body.ie7 #main {
display: table;
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body.ie6 #main {
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body.ie6 #wrap {
display: table;
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/* --------- Bottom portion (footer) -------------------- */
#footer {
position: relative;
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height: 150px;
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