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PHP- HTML parsing :: How can be taken charset value of webpage with simple html dom parser?

PHP:: How can be taken charset value of webpage with simple html dom parser (utf-8, windows-255, etc..)?

remark: its have to be done with html dom parser http://simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net

Example1 webpage charset input:

<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">


Example2 webpage charset input:

<meta content="text/html; charset=windows-255" http-equiv="Content-Type">



I try this (but its not works):

$html = file_get_html( http://www.google.com/ );
$el=$html->find( meta[content] ,0);
echo $el->charset; 

What should be change? (I know that $el->charset not working)



You ll have to match the string using a regular expression (I hope you have PCRE...).

$el=$html->find( meta[http-equiv=Content-Type] ,0)
$fullvalue = $el->content;
preg_match( /charset=(.+)/ , $fullvalue, $matches);
echo $matches[1];

Not very robust, but should work.

$dd = new DOMDocument;
foreach ($dd->getElementsByTagName("meta") as $m) {
    if (strtolower($m->getAttribute("http-equiv")) == "content-type") {
        $v = $m->getAttribute("content");
        if (preg_match("#.+?/.+?;\s?charset\s?=\s?(.+)#i", $v, $m))
            echo $m[1];

Note that the DOM extension implicitly converts all the data to UTF-8.

Thanks for MvanGeest answer - I just fix a bit and its works perfect.

$html = file_get_html( http://www.google.com/ );
$el=$html->find( meta[content] ,0);
$fullvalue = $el->content;
preg_match( /charset=(.+)/ , $fullvalue, $matches);
echo substr($matches[0], strlen("charset="));

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