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iphone EXC_BAD_ACCESS 使用我自己的班子
原标题:iphone EXC_BAD_ACCESS using my own class


-(void) parseRow:(NSDictionary*) dictionary {
    NSArray* arName = [[dictionary valueForKey:displayname] componentsSeparatedByString:@"+"];
    [self setDriverName:[arName objectAtIndex:0]];
    [self setDriverSurname:[arName objectAtIndex:1]];
    [arName release]; // this give problem!


driverStats = [[DriverStats alloc] init];

// driverStats is declared in the header:
DriverStats* driverStats;
@property (nonatomic,retain) DriverStats* driverStats;

[driverStats parseRow:dictionary];

If I add [arName release] in my class, when I exit from parseRow method, I have the EXC_BAD_ACCESS error.... but it s wrong?? I used array and after I released... I think that the error will be if I didn t release the pointer.. or not??? thanks in advance


这个问题很容易解决。 页: 1 因为你使用工厂方法部件 分离的ByString:它已经把自动释放的阵列归还给你。 因此,你不需要再放下你的阵列。

你们需要注意的另一件事情是编造的驱动器Name:并设置了驾驶员姓名:确保你保留/复制另外的物体,释放阵列时,这些物体也被释放,EXEC_BAD_ 缩略语



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