I m taking a stab at writing a bash completion for the first time, and I m a bit confused about about the two ways of dereferencing bash arrays (${array[@]}
and ${array[*]}
Here s the relevant chunk of code (it works, but I would like to understand it better):
local cur perls
local ROOT=${PERLBREW_ROOT:-$HOME/perl5/perlbrew}
# remove all but the final part of the name
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${perls[*]} /usr/bin/perl" -- ${cur} ) )
bash s documentation says:
Any element of an array may be referenced using ${name[subscript]}. The braces are required to avoid conflicts with the shell s filename expansion operators. If the subscript is ‘@’ or ‘*’, the word expands to all members of the array name. These subscripts differ only when the word appears within double quotes. If the word is double-quoted, ${name[*]} expands to a single word with the value of each array member separated by the first character of the IFS variable, and ${name[@]} expands each element of name to a separate word.
Now I think I understand that compgen -W
expects a string containing a wordlist of possible alternatives, but in this context I don t understand what "${name[@]} expands each element of name to a separate word" means.
Long story short: ${array[*]}
works; ${array[@]}
doesn t. I would like to know why, and I would like to understand better what exactly ${array[@]}
expands into.