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原标题:Datatype convertion problems

几天前,i ve在MSYS/Mingw处张贴了执行“快车”问题:

确切的解决办法是,明确装货单。 这样一来,就重新开始尝试采用双赢办法,实施有关这种猎物的 st。 dll的装载工作是罚款:

// Load the RTLCapture context function:
HINSTANCE kernel32 = LoadLibrary("Kernel32.dll");

if(kernel32 != NULL){
   std::cout << "Try to load method from kernel32.dll: CaptureStackBackTrace" << std::endl;

   typedef USHORT (*CaptureStackBackTraceType)(ULONG FramesToSkip, ULONG FramesToCapture, void* BackTrace, ULONG* BackTraceHash);
   CaptureStackBackTraceType func = (CaptureStackBackTraceType) GetProcAddress( kernel32, "RtlCaptureStackBackTrace" );

       std::cout << "Handle for CaptureStackBackTrace could t loded! Stop demo!."<< std::endl;
       kernel32 = NULL;
       func = NULL;

   void *array[63];
   int i,num = 0;

   std::cout << "Try to call CaptureStackBackTrace..."<< std::endl;
   num = CaptureStackBackTraceType( 1, 32, array, NULL );}


stacktrace.cpp:138: error: functional cast expression list treated as compound e xpression stacktrace.cpp:138: error: invalid conversion from USHORT (*)(ULONG, ULONG, voi d*, ULONG*) toUSHORT

我认为,这一问题可能是由于MSYS/MinGW与批量定义之间的差别。 明确划定美国水道测量局(USHORT)未签字的短程,没有效果。

Has anyone an idea how i could solve this issue? I would be deeply gratefull for any hint.

Best regards, Christian


在最后一项指令中,你需要使用职能点代码援引该职能。 因此,它应当是num = func( 1, 32, range,NUL );。 否则,你就试图制造一个无名的类别<代码>CaptureStackBackTraceType,并试图将其改为int。 由于换算率确实存在,汇编者正在发放错误。



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