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原标题:Meaning of tilde-greater-than (~>) in version requirement?


hanna-0.1.12 depends on [haml (~> 2.2.8)]

The RubyGems manual calls this a pessimistic version constraint.

Assume you have specified an n-part version number, e.g. 1.3 (2-part) or (4-part) as the constraint. Then, in order to fulfill the constraint, a version number must satisfy both of the following conditions

  1. The first n-1 parts of the version number must be identical to the first n-1 parts of the constraint (e.g. 1.x or 3.5.6.x match, but 0.x or 3.5.7.x don t) and

  2. The last part of the version number must be greater than or equal to the last part of the constraint (e.g. 1.9999 and match, but 1.2 or don t).


~> x1.x2.x3. … .xn-2.xn-1.xn


x1.x2.x3. … .xn-2.xn-1.y, y >= xn

The reason this is called a "pessimistic" constraint, and also the use case for it, is that when you just say > x.y.z, you are being optimistic: you assume that from here on out, until all eternity, the API will never ever change. This is of course a pretty bold assumption. However, most projects have rules about when they are allowed to break backwards compatibility, and how they have to change their version number when they do break backwards compatibility. You can encode those version numbering rules using a pessimistic constraint, and thus you can be sure that your code will always continue to work (assuming that the author of the other project actually adheres to his own rules, which unfortunately isn t always the case).



例如,“~> 1.2”将更新贵重至1.3(如果公布这一版本),但未能将其更新到2.0。

它与任何具有相同主要/次要部分的版本相吻合。 也就是说,在这种情况下,haml ~> 2.2.8将符合任何2.2.x版本。


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