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原标题:Magento learning curve and best tips [closed]
  • 时间:2010-08-05 21:24:14
  •  标签:
  • php
  • magento

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Closed last year.

Ok, magento是我的新鲜事,事实上,电子商务网站的发展本身就是新的。



Are there any specific tips or advice that you can offer for learning magento properly ? For any other developers out there - how long (full time development) did it take to start to make sense of magento and to get things done quickly?


AS Phlip说,他们了解MVC模式和Zentd Framework执行方式。 尤其是主计长部分《示范公约》和《观点》的处理方式不同。


Magento gets controlled by many config.xml files in each module which get merged to one big xml. So you need to understand how you setup a module and what Mage::getModule( yourmodul/xx_yyy ) does. as well es Mage::getResourceModule(), Mage::helper(), Mage::getBlock()


了解Magento Collection级,该级基本包装了任何神秘的盘点,然后又恢复了一次结果



There is lot more.... it took me I don t know 6 month to get a good understanding of it...

Magento是建立在Zentd Framework之上的。 我认为,对ZF的基本知识将让你有一个良好的开端。

Try有“ZendFramework”行动。 这时先从ZF开始。

ZFiA大概会给你深刻的见解,了解MVC-pattern和ZF的董事结构。 你们应该能够向Magento项目。

目前有2个ZF项目。 我尚未做一个Magento商店,但坐在comm。

在释放后与Magento一起玩.。 并且必须说,只有让它安装和发挥良好作用,还存在许多问题。 从那时起就没有玩.。 我的印象是,它从那时起就发生了变化,业绩问题应当被解冻。 您的申请仍不应由1克共用的东道方提出。

Magento可能是一个富有挑战性的学习平台,但只要有适当的选择,它就可以成为一种缩影。 这里是掌握Magento的一些最佳途径:

  • Start with the basics. Make sure you have a strong understanding of the fundamentals before moving on to more complicated concepts.
  • Use online resources. There are plenty of helpful tutorials and videos available online that can guide you through the learning process step by step.
  • Practice, practice, practice! The more you Mmcgbl work with Magento, the easier it will become to use and understand.

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