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Reading hex string file in Julia

In python, I do

import numpy as np
data = np.memmap( mydata.bin , dtype= <i4 , mode= r )

How can I implement this in Julia? I was reading about readbytes and htol but couldn t figure out.


The key is using the MMap library and the function mmap():

using Random, Mmap

# first, create a binary file for us to use, to test that our program works:

# 1000 random numbers between 1 and 100000
mydata::Vector{Int32} = rand(1:100000, 1000) 

# write it as a binary file
open("mydata.bin", "w") do io
    write(io, mydata)

Then call mmap():

# read the binary file
mydata2 = mmap("mydata.bin", Vector{Int32})

More information can be found in the documentation here or the source code here.

Another alternative is UnixMmap, which uses Unix s mmap interface (so it would only work for Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux or MacOS (i.e. no Windows support)

Credit to Gnimuc, Reza Afzalan, and Aung!

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