English 中文(简体)
原标题:Update/ Retrieve /Inserting date field

我在更新数据库的一个日期方面遇到困难。 亚洲开发银行的外地类型是日期/时间。


Currently, I am using the SQL Expression in my jsp" UPDATE request SET request_date = "+Request_Date+" "; , But it is not accepting.




通常的做法是在亚洲开发银行储存一个时间序列(原文,<代码>javautil)。 日期: in Javaside and java.sql.timestamp in JDBCside is to use PreparedStatement#timestamp(

Date requestDate = getItSomehow();
Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(requestDate.getTime());
preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE request SET request_date = ?");
preparedStatement.setTimestamp(1, timestamp);


Timestamp timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp("request_date");
Date requestDate = timestamp; // You can just upcast.

在<代码>java.util.Date 和java.lang.String之间转换,通常使用>>>> 编码:SimpleDateFormat ::

// Convert from String to Date.
String requestDateAsString = "09-Aug-2010";
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH);
Date requestDate = sdf.parse(requestDateAsString);

// Convert from Date to String.
String anotherDateAsString = sdf.format(someDate);

See also:



UPDATE request
SET request_date = to_date( " + Request_Date + " ,  DD-MON-YYYY )



http://infolab.stanford.edu/~ullman/fcdb/oracle/or-time.html” rel=“nofollow noreferer” http://infolab.stanford.edu/~ullman/fcdb/oracle/or-time.html。

Oracle s default format for DATE is "DD-MON-YY". If you want to retrieve date in particular format you need to use :

    TO_CHAR(<date>,  <format> )


TO_DATE(<string>,  <format> )

<代码><format> strings can be formation from over 40 options. 一些较为受欢迎的方面包括:

    MM  Numeric month (e.g., 07)
    MON Abbreviated month name (e.g., JUL)
    MONTH   Full month name (e.g., JULY)
    DD  Day of month (e.g., 24)
    DY  Abbreviated name of day (e.g., FRI)
    YYYY    4-digit year (e.g., 1998)
    YY  Last 2 digits of the year (e.g., 98)
    RR  Like YY, but the two digits are ``rounded   to a year in the range 1950 to 2049. Thus, 06 is considered 2006 instead of 1906
    AM (or PM)  Meridian indicator
    HH  Hour of day (1-12)
    HH24    Hour of day (0-23)
    MI  Minute (0-59)
    SS  Second (0-59)

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