English 中文(简体)
j Query/Java-forming Value from text-input in <span>
原标题:jQuery/JavaScript - Displaying value from text-input in <span>-placeholders


我将首先谈谈: 我赞赏你的好回答,如果你能够,我会努力回答这一点:(此时我将更具体地谈一下)。

我想的是:<form>element onsubmit, onclick of a hton or what take the Value of a <input category=“text” Value=“Default Value”>,并插入一 couple<span>elements,我叫“持有人”。 这一样本可能更能说明:

<script type="text/javascript">
$("input[type=button]").click(function //click the button
{ do_the_magic_thing() //make the value from id="txt_inp" appear in class="placeholder"

<form method="POST" action="" id="theForm"> //could also be get, I don t care
<input type="text" id="txt_inp" value="Default Value" onfocus="if (this.value == Default Value) this.value=  "> //this SHOULD make the Default Value dissapear on focus
<input type="button"> //could also be a submit

<span class="placeholder"></span> //$("#txt_inp").value; goes here
<span class="placeholder"></span> //$("#txt_inp").value; goes here


var do_the_magic_thing = function() {
$(".placeholder").html = $("#txt_inp").value;

我现在要问一下——在丹麦晚了: 我明天将回答你的意见:


I am very new to this jQuery thing, but I do understand the basics and all. Let s simplify and say I have a form which looks like this:

<form method="POST" action="">
<input type="text" value="Default value">
<input type="submit" value="Click me">
<input type="hidden"> //hidden is for being able to submit by hitting enter




$.post("test.php", function(data) {
alert("This is the data submitted (and cancelled):" + data);
}); //I have also tried without the "test.php", that s not it



It is not necessary, that the submit is cancelled, but I would like that
Nor is it necessary, that POST is the method used, but once again, this is what I prefer



var do_the_magic_thing = function() {
    $( .placeholder ).html($( #txt_inp ).val());

P.S. Don t wor对不表示惊讶太大,你的英语比我的丹麦好得多。



$(document).ready(function() {
    $( #myform ).submit(submitMyForm);

function submitMyForm(e) {
    var data = new Object();
    data.whatever = $( #myinput ).val();

    var post = new Object();
    //here I use a jquery json extension...you can use anything you like
    post.data = $.toJSON(data);

    $.post("test.php", post, function(returnval) {
    }, "text");

    //this is to stop the normal form submit action
    return false;

然后,在你考验中。 网址:www.un.org


<fieldset id="myData">
    <legend>My Data</legend>

<form id="myForm" method="POST" action="">
    <input type="text" value="Default value">
    <input type="submit" value="Click me">
    <input type="hidden"> //hidden is for being able to submit by hitting enter

$(function() {
   $( #myForm ).submit(function() {
      //do whatever you want here.
      //this will take place after the form is submitted, but before your ajax request
      $( input[type=text] ).each(function() {
          $( #myData ).append( <div class="placeholder">  + $(this).val() +  </div> );

      //serialize your form data
      var toSubmit = $( input[type=text] ).serialize();

      //do ajax here
      $.post( test.php , toSubmit, function(data) {
        alert( Your AJAX POST request returned:   + data);
      },  text );

      //this will prevent the form from submitting normally
      return false;




<form onsubmit="return functioncall();">


EDIT:如果你想看到将要提交的所有数据,你可以采用jquery serialize(>”方法或serializeArray(<>)。

If you re trying to accomplish validation, there s a much easier way, just use a validation plugin like this one: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation

使其更容易,并带头制定自己的法典。 Jquery使开发强有力的javascript 申请变得容易......但有时,使用已经写成和被打脚的 st子(至少大部分是这样)。

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