English 中文(简体)
原标题:Drupal date of Birth multiple select
  • 时间:2010-08-10 14:34:12
  •  标签:
  • drupal
  • forms

我想形成一种 form形输出的成分,就像这样。

<>条码>选择日期: [日][月][年]


how can I do it with Drupal Form api I wouldn t want to use any fancy plugins / addons.

 $form[ dob ] = array(
   #type  =>  select ,
   #title  => t( select date: ),
   #options  => array(1,2,3),


select date: [day]
  • You can create 3 form items, and using theming to get the desired result.
  • You can create your own form item which create 3 select boxes and a label with hook_elements. This is somewhat time consuming.

采用表格A,你可以设立3个单独的选定要素,处理日期选择。 须确定表格要素<代码>#type 至日期

$form[ date_select ] = array (
     #title  => t( Date Selected ),
     #type  =>  date ,
     #description  => t( Please select a date ),
     #default_value  => array(
         month  => format_date(time(),  custom ,  n ),
         day  => format_date(time(),  custom ,  j ),
         year  => format_date(time(),  custom ,  Y ),



$form_state[ values ][ date ][ day ]

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