English 中文(简体)
• 要求超级?
原标题:Placing calls to super?

我以前曾提出过这个问题,但我越看其他守则的例子,我就越看到布局上的分歧。 我通常在开始时(如果是制造型方法)或最后(如果是销毁型方法)(见下文。。。。。。)尝试发出这一呼吁。

-(void)viewDidLoad {
   [super viewDidLoad];

-(void)viewDidUnload {
   [super viewDidUnload];

The other method I see always seems to place the call to super at the end of the method regardless。 (see below。。。) my question is does it matter?

-(void)viewDidLoad {
   [super viewDidLoad];

-(void)viewDidUnload {
   [super viewDidUnload];

cheers gary。


d 我说,除非:

  • The method is doing initialisation of instance variables (which viewDidLoad usually wouldn t be doing, as that s the init method s job), in which case the super call should be at the start.
  • The method is doing deallocation of instance variables, in which case the super call should be at the end.
  • The method is passing on some sort of event, e.g. through a responder chain, in which case you wouldn t actually be using a super call at all (but the pattern is similar), and you d put the call at the end.




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