English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to execute all views in database through stored procedure

我们的表象与我们的表象相左。 我愿知道,我如何能够有一个储存程序(Sql服务器),在数据库中征求所有意见,并通过选择执行。


Declare x
Set x = Select object from sysobjects where object = view

foreach view in x
sp_execute select * from view

这样,我们就可以进行自动测试,每晚打一次。 SqlException公司表示,有些东西是 out。



select quotename(table_schema) + .  + quotename(table_name) as ViewNAme,
 identity(int,1,1) as ID
  into #test
  from information_schema.tables
 where table_type =  view 

declare @Loopid int,@MaxID int

select @LoopID =1,@MaxID =MAX(id) 
from #test

declare @ViewName varchar(100)

while @LoopID <= @MaxID

select @ViewName = ViewNAme 
from #test
where id = @LoopID

exec ( select top 1 * from   + @ViewName)
set @LoopID = @LoopID + 1

drop table #test

我主要集中在你提问的某一部分,也见。 如何通过使用间谍——refreshview确保这种观点具有根本性的表格变化



FROM sys.views v
JOIN sys.sql_expression_dependencies e ON e.referencing_id = v.object_id
and  referenced_id is null

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