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mapstruct type conversion for different field types doesnt works

In quarkus project I try to map DataSyncConfigurationMapping and DataSyncConfigurationMappingEntity with using MapStruct 1.5.5.Final version, except columnNames/columnNameList fields other field types matches and when tested the other field mappings works smoothly. What i have missed, any helps?

public class DataSyncConfigurationMappingEntity{
    private Long id;
    private String columnNames;
    private String oldValue;
    private String newValue;
    private DataSyncConfigurationEntity dataSyncConfiguration;
public class DataSyncConfigurationMapping{
    private Long id;
    private List<String> columnNameList;
    private String oldValue;
    private String newValue;
    private DataSyncConfiguration dataSyncConfiguration;
public class DataSyncConfigurationEntity{
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private String fileName;
    private String sqlStatement;
    private String columnNames;
    private String cron;
public class DataSyncConfiguration{
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private String fileName;
    private String sqlStatement;
    private List<String> columnNameList;
    private String cron;
@Mapper(componentModel = "jakarta", uses = {DataSyncConfigurationMapper.class})
public interface DataSyncConfigurationMappingMapper {
    @Mapping(source = "dataSyncConfiguration.columnNames", target = "dataSyncConfiguration.columnNameList",
            qualifiedByName = "stringToListConverter")
    DataSyncConfigurationMapping entityToPojo(DataSyncConfigurationMappingEntity entity);
    @Mapping(source = "dataSyncConfiguration.columnNameList", target = "dataSyncConfiguration.columnNames",
            qualifiedByName = "listToStringConverter")
    DataSyncConfigurationMappingEntity pojoToEntity(DataSyncConfigurationMapping pojo);
    default List<String> map(String value) {
        return stringToList(value);
    default String map(List<String> list) {
        return listToString(list);
@Mapper(componentModel = "jakarta")
public interface DataSyncConfigurationMapper {
    @Mapping(source = "columnNames", target = "columnNameList")
    DataSyncConfiguration entityToPojo(DataSyncConfigurationEntity entity);
    @Mapping(source = "columnNameList", target = "columnNames")
    DataSyncConfigurationEntity pojoToEntity(DataSyncConfiguration pojo);
    default List<String> map(String value){
        return stringToList(value);
    default String map(List<String> list){
        return listToString(list);
public class MapperUtils {
    public static List<String> stringToList(String columnNames) {
        if (columnNames == null) {
            return null;
        }        return Arrays.asList(columnNames.split(","));
    public static String listToString(List<String> list) {
        if (list == null) {
            return null;
        return String.join(",", list);
public class DataSyncConfigurationMappingMapperTest {
    DataSyncConfigurationMappingMapper dataSyncConfigurationMappingMapper;
    public void testEntityToPojo() {
        DataSyncConfigurationMappingEntity entity = new DataSyncConfigurationMappingEntity();
        DataSyncConfigurationEntity dataSyncConfigurationEntity = new DataSyncConfigurationEntity();
        DataSyncConfigurationMapping pojo = dataSyncConfigurationMappingMapper.entityToPojo(entity);
        assertEquals(entity.getId(), pojo.getId());
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList(entity.getColumnNames().split(",")), pojo.getColumnNameList());
        assertEquals(dataSyncConfigurationEntity.getName(), pojo.getDataSyncConfiguration().getName());
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList(dataSyncConfigurationEntity.getColumnNames().split(",")), pojo.getDataSyncConfiguration().getColumnNameList());

Like i mention on my code i tried to use stringToListConverter and listToStringConverter named methods to convert, but couldn t accomplished for this fields.



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