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LINQ Join where Clause
原标题:LINQ Join Where Clause


我正试图从tb1中提取产品信息清单,而该清单的原状是 t2,但必须加上三个不同的栏目。


SELECT     tb1.*
FROM         tb2 INNER JOIN
                      tb1 ON tb2.Col1 = tb1. Col1 AND tb2.Col2 = tb1. Col2 AND 
                      tb2.Col3 = tb1.Col3
WHERE     (tb2.Col1 = col1) AND (tb2.Col2 = col2) AND (tb2.Col4 = string)






var results = from t1 in context.tb1
              join t2 in context.tb2
              on new { t1.Col1, t1.Col2, t1.Col3 } equals
                  new { t2.Col1, t2.Col2, t2.Col3 }
              where t2.Col1 == col1 && t2.Col2 == col2 && t2.Col4 == someString
              select t1;


var results = context.tb1.Join(
                  t1 => new { t1.Col1, t1.Col2, t1.Col3 },
                  t2 => new { t2.Col1, t2.Col2, t2.Col3 },
                  (t1, t2) => new { t1, t2 })
              .Where(o => o.t2.Col1 == col1 
                  && o.t2.Col2 == col2
                  && o.t2.Col4 == someString)
              .Select(o => o.t1);



你还可以在提到你重新加入的表格时,将《WHERE》条款列入Mlamda syntax。

var query = from pt in dc.ProjectTasks
            join ttab in dc.TimeTaskAssigns on pt.Id equals ttab.ProjectTaskId
            join ttb2 in dc.CMS_TAT_TIMEs.Where(a => a.WIP_STATUS ==  B ) on ttab.CmsTimeUno equals ttb2.TIME_UNO
            select pt;

显而易见的是,这难道不是没有? 找到这一解决办法需要很长时间。


var innerGroupJoinQuery2 =
    from category in categories
    join prod in products on category.ID equals prod.CategoryID into prodGroup
    from prod2 in prodGroup
    where prod2.UnitPrice > 2.50M
    select prod2;


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