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j_security_check url problem
原标题:j_security_check url problem

hope you can help me with this: I m working with j_security_check and have this problem

I have a profile page that must be restricted to any unloged user, so i add a security constraint in the web.xml file and works fine if i try to access by adress bar, this show me the login page perfectly ok

现在的问题是: 在我索引页的例子中:

rel=“nofollow noretinger”>http:// localhost/mySite/index.xhtml


<h:commandLink action=“user/Profile”/>


rel=“nofollow noretinger”>http:// localhost/mySite/index.xhtml

so j_security_check don t show the login page as far as i ve seen j_security_check works with url and jsf don t and if in the profile page press a link to ex:myImages then now the url says:

页: 1

Why is this happend? is there anyway to fix this ?? Thanks in advance


<a href=“user/Profile.xhtml”>Profile</a>

这显示我的正辛页,但如果能达到指数。 xhtml和新闻报道,这并没有发现这一页,因为把我转往:

页: 1

<h:commandLink action="user/Profile" />

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 向目前<><>><>>>>>网页(转至<>>>>>>>>> 发射(通过<>代码>h:form)至<_m> 网页,<>forwards 查询特定资源。

你们不想使用《移动空间标准》进行逐页的导航。 它不仅影响用户的不良经验(URL don t change,在浏览器历史中追溯到/推移时的不自觉行为),而且也不影响对地观测分布式的友好(研究人员没有指数POST)。


至于你最后一个针对错误的URL(有重复的道路)的问题:当你使用<代码>h:outputLink时,这个问题就得到解决。 之后,联合论坛将考虑目前的背景道路。



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