English 中文(简体)
原标题:problem getting json data inside my JqGrid
  • 时间:2010-08-23 17:50:53
  •  标签:
  • json
  • jqgrid

我对我的格网中的数据表示质疑。 我的逊尼派数据以这种形式出现。

        "orderNumber": "5917500220100811",
        "chainNumber": "1",
        "divisionNumber": "1",
        "customerNumber": "37029",
        "loadNumber": "59175",
        "orderType": "1",
        "stopSeq": 2,
        "latestTime": "Aug 13, 2010 1:12:21 PM",
        "orderStatus": "6",
        "batchNumber": "1059",
        "maxPalletCube": "1982179262",
        "billingFlag": "N",
        "orderDetailsList": [],
        "id": 2384,
        "createdDate": "Aug 11, 2010 6:54:48 PM",
        "createdUser": "USER",
        "lastModifiedDate": "Aug 13, 2010 10:12:21 AM",
        "lastModifiedUser": "USER"
        "orderNumber": "5917500120100811",
        "chainNumber": "1",
        "divisionNumber": "1",
        "customerNumber": "37003",
        "loadNumber": "59175",
        "orderType": "1",
        "stopSeq": 1,
        "latestTime": "Aug 13, 2010 1:12:21 PM",
        "orderStatus": "6",
        "batchNumber": "1056",
        "maxPalletCube": "1982179262",
        "billingFlag": "N",
        "orderDetailsList": [],
        "id": 2385,
        "createdDate": "Aug 11, 2010 6:54:48 PM",
        "createdUser": "USER",
        "lastModifiedDate": "Aug 13, 2010 10:12:21 AM",
        "lastModifiedUser": "USER"


    url:  /cpsb/json/test.json ,
    datatype: json ,
    colNames:[ Order , Load ,  Gate Time ,  Stop , Customer , Status ], 
        {name: orderNumber ,index: orderNumber , width:55, sorttype:"int"},
        {name: loadNumber ,index: loadNumber , width:100, sorttype:"int"},
        {name: latestTime ,index: latestTime , width:80, align:"right",
         sorttype:"date", formatter:"date"}, 
        {name: stopSeq ,index: stopSeq , width:80, align:"right", sorttype:"int"},
        {name: customerNumber ,index: customerNumber , width:130,align:"right",
        {name: orderStatus ,index: orderStatus , width:150, sortable:true} ],
    pager:  #pager10 ,
    sortname:  Gate Time ,
    sortorder: "desc",
    viewrecords: true,
    multiselect: true,
    caption: "Order Header"



阁下是错的。 你们只包括数据,而不是另一个电网要求的数据(记录、页数等)。 你们必须使用

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