English 中文(简体)
原标题:Basic php question
  • 时间:2010-08-24 03:33:43
  •  标签:
  • php
  • html

New to php. 谁能告诉我,这意味着什么?

if(!isset($_POST[ submit ]) || $Email!=$ConfirmEmail || !$info_str || !$valid_email)
There is no element named  submit  in the _POST array
if $Email is not equal to $ConfirmEmail
$info_str is empty
$valid_email is zero

then do something...mostly split an error to the user.




if(                             < IF
    !isset($_POST[ submit ])    < NOT (IS SET (POST FIELD  submit ))
    ||                          < OR
    $Email!=$ConfirmEmail       < VARIABLE  Email  IS NOT EQUAL TO VARIABLE  ConfirmEmail 
    ||                          < OR
    !$info_str                  < NOT (VARIABLE  info_str  IS A TRUE VALUE)
    ||                          < OR
    !$valid_email               < NOT (VARIABLE  valid_email  IS A TRUE VALUE)

请注意,由于<代码>!“nots”,许多条件实际上正好相反(即,如果$valid_email实际上是false Value-例如null)。

它是有效方。 如果提交表格和电子邮件形式平等,则界定其他变量。

if (                          // if
    !isset($_POST[ submit ])  //  submit  element in $_POST array is not set
    ||                        // or
    $Email != $ConfirmEmail   // $Email does not equal $ConfirmEmail
    ||                        // or
    !$info_str                // $info_str is false
    ||                        // or
    !$valid_email             // $valid_email is false

<>code>, The negated ! 见。 PHP类型比较表 记录操作员


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