English 中文(简体)
  • 时间:2009-03-13 17:21:10
  •  标签:

我正在运行一个在IIS 6(Windows Server 2003)上的网站,有时会卡顿。


Released to the wild, website ran fine for 3 days.

Website hangs on every request until the website is stopped and started.

Website runs for 2 weeks with no problem.

Website hangs on every request until site is restarted.

We see a few application log entries before hang starts: Faulting application w3wp.exe, faulting module unknown, version fault address -------.

网站上安装的应用程序是用 .Net 2.0 写的。

Can anyone please guide me on troubleshooting this issue? Thanks!


您的最佳选择可能是使用 adplus 捕获挂起的 w3wp 进程的内存转储,然后使用 windbg + sos 扩展来尝试确定挂起的原因。

You can get adplus and Windbg here: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/default.mspx

此外,Tess Ferrandez的博客是学习如何使用Windbg分析内存转储的绝佳信息宝库。她甚至还设有一系列实验室,针对特定情景供您参考。

将此翻译成中文:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/tess/ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/tess/


这可能发生的原因有很多。几年前,我在一个正在进行的Web项目中遇到过这种情况,需要拨打 Microsoft 的电话才能解决。我希望我能给您提供具体的细节,但这是我记得的。

.NET缓存您的Web应用程序中的文件夹。 服务器上有一个注册表键(不记得在哪里),它设置了文件夹限制(信不信由你)。 默认情况下,限制为150个文件夹。 如果您的Web应用程序中有超过这么多的文件夹,并且您尝试访问第151个文件夹,那么它将使IIS崩溃。

Yes this sounds crazy but trust me, I spent weeks with Microsoft until we found out the cause of the crash. The answer at the time was to up the limit in the registry and reboot the server. This was a couple of years ago, and I hope that this was fixed in later updates, but I offer this to you just in case you are using an older version of Server 2003.


make sure IIS is set to be able to recycle its process automaticly, might help to fix the issue if it is a memory leak. (well ok cope with the problem not fix)



P.s If you are using N2 there was a known issue that when IIS recycled it wouldnt come back up.
