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flink on k8s How to set the minimum and maximum CPUs

I am using flink on k8s, and now there is a problem, the dynamic resource feature of k8s cannot be utilized, one of my flink tasks only occupies a small amount of CPU resources when it runs normally, but in order for the task to start normally, it is necessary to initially set more CPUs, resulting in a lot of wasted resources, how to set mins and maxs

i am try flink on k8s native and flink operator, only support set cpu min equals max. There is no way to set them separately


just like this, resources limit does not work

    apiVersion: flink.apache.org/v1beta1
kind: FlinkDeployment
  name: basic-reactive-example
  image: flink:1.17
  flinkVersion: v1_17
  serviceAccount: flink
        - name: flink-main-container
              memory: "1024Mi"
              cpu: "100m"
              memory: "2048Mi"
              cpu: "2000m"

HTTP call from Celery worker

I am running a Flask-Celery server in docker desktop Kubernetes. It uses a Redis Result Backend. I want to use a Celery Task to make an HTTP call to a program that might take a while. This program ...

Why my website cookies are not being set on my browser?

Hello I am developing a web app, with a microservices architecture. I am using golang (Fiber) on the backend and Next.js on the frontend. When I send a request from restaurant.quiqr.co/signin to api....


我正试图终止Kubernetes的名称空间。 过去,我uc切地遵循了在库韦涅斯这里发现的在终止地位方面摇摇摇欲坠的空地。

helm with if condition and its scope for the value set

I would like to overwrite the user template with .Values.userTemplate if it exist. But I always get $user as undefined when the .Vaues.userTemplate exist. If i remove if condition and use {{- $user := ...
