English 中文(简体)
原标题:using access key for browser to underline the first character of all links with access keys


i.e. when the person presses alt in IE and Chrome all of the first letters of the links underline letting the person know which key to press. Also is there anyway to do it by creating a universal [access key] for all browsers using javascript or are you forced to use the multiple methods for each browser and thus stuck writing a class for each browser?

我发现一种使用<代码><span>围绕特性使用的方法,但是,这似乎只是好的做法,而且,如果很少能够 gr取接触钥匙,在联系中强调该信并用强调该信的话,那将是空洞的。


var labels= document.getElementsByTagName( label );
for (var i= labels.length; i-->0;) {
    var label= labels[i];
    if (!label.htmlFor) continue;
    var field= document.getElementById(label.htmlFor);
    if (!field) continue;
    if (!field.accessKey) continue;
    var ix= label.firstChild.data.toLowerCase().indexOf(field.accessKey.toLowerCase());
    if (ix===-1) continue;
    var next= label.firstChild.splitText(ix+1);
    var span= document.createElement( span );
    span.className=  accesshighlight ;
    label.insertBefore(span, next);

这将在标签上的第一份配对信标上打上<代码><span par=“accesshighlight”>,假定标签含有文字内容,而不是更多的内容(如果你需要寻找比照案文,使小数更耗时)。 然后,你可以说:

body.showhighlights .accesshighlight {
    text-decoration: underline;

http://www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_chinese.htm 当带被压。



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