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如何控制在视窗电话展示更大形象 7
原标题:What control to use to display larger image on Windows Phone 7

我愿在7台窗户电话中展示更大的形象。 我需要能够动.,使用多光谱姿态。 我很想知道,在Windows Telephone 7 SDK的盒子中,是否有任何控制能够做到这一点?



下面是我用于银灯的一些代码,其中某些工作可以改变,以对平方作出反应,而不是用 mo轮+点击/d。 也可能根据胎体的“体积”改变动物体积。


    <Border Name="viewboxBackground" Background="Black">
            <Viewbox Name="viewboxMain">
                <!--your content here -->


    #region Pan and Zoom Events and Handlers

    void MouseClickHandler(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        _mouseClickPos = e.GetPosition(viewboxBackground);
        bMoving = true;

    void MouseMoveHandler(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

        if (bMoving)
            //get current transform
            CompositeTransform transform = viewboxMain.RenderTransform as CompositeTransform;

            Point currentPos = e.GetPosition(viewboxBackground);
            transform.TranslateX += (currentPos.X - _mouseClickPos.X);
            transform.TranslateY += (currentPos.Y - _mouseClickPos.Y);

            viewboxMain.RenderTransform = transform;

            _mouseClickPos = currentPos;

    void MouseReleaseHandler(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        bMoving = false;

    void MouseWheelZoom(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
        if (e.Delta > 0)
            _zoomMultiplier += _zoomRate;
            ApplyZoomTransform(viewboxMain, _zoomMultiplier, new Point(viewboxMain.ActualWidth / 2, viewboxMain.ActualHeight / 2));
        else if (e.Delta < 0 && _zoomMultiplier > 1)
            _zoomMultiplier -= _zoomRate;
            ApplyZoomTransform(viewboxMain, _zoomMultiplier, new Point(viewboxMain.ActualWidth / 2, viewboxMain.ActualHeight / 2));

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="element"></param>
    /// <param name="iZoomFactor"></param>
    /// <param name="zoomCenter">If provided, the zoom will be centered around the given position.</param>
    void ApplyZoomTransform(UIElement element, double iZoomFactor, Point? zoomCenter)
        //get current transform
        CompositeTransform transform = viewboxMain.RenderTransform as CompositeTransform;

        if (zoomCenter != null)
            transform.CenterX = zoomCenter.GetValueOrDefault().X;
            transform.CenterY = zoomCenter.GetValueOrDefault().Y;
        transform.ScaleX = iZoomFactor;
        transform.ScaleY = iZoomFactor;

        element.RenderTransform = transform;


You might be interested in DeepZoom. Not sure how well it supports multi-touch gesture out the box, but you can learn about using gestures here and simulating multi-touch here, if multi-touch support isn t standard. Here s an example video of DeepZoom on WP7.


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