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原标题:Passing variables to model instance methods in Liquid templates


页: 1 在<代码>Blog模式中采用的方法,我可以通过分类获得最新的N员额。 是否可能在液体模板中使用这种方法?


class Blog

  has_many :posts

  def latest_posts(n)
    posts.latest(n) # using a named scope

  def to_liquid(*args)
       all_posts  => posts.all,  # allows me to use {% for posts in blog.all_posts %}
       last_post  => post.last,  # allows me to use {% assign recent = blog.last_post %}
       latest_posts  => posts.latest_posts(args[0])  # how do I pass variables to this?


在以上简化例子中,在我的液体模板中,我可以使用<代码>blog.all_posts和blog.last_post,但没有任何想法,如blog.latest_posts: 10


据认为,一种想法是建立一个液体过滤器,并将Blog物体和ger化物通过。 类似:

{% for post in blog | latest_posts(10) %}
  • but haven t tried that yet as feel like I m stabbing around in the dark a bit. Would appreciate some help from more experienced Liquid users.

我认为液体是一种弹性模板系统。 命令调查/使用。

违约后,液体模板无法得到任何模型方法。 这是一件好事。 然后,请具体说明可采用哪些方法。 (白人名单)

我使用邮寄名单上的模块。 全面延长期限如下。 它处理液体:通过在班级和单元中添加简单的“方法”方法,为你创建Drop。


class Blog
  # id
  # name
  has_many :posts

  def latest_posts(n)
    posts.latest(n) # using a named scope

  def latest_10_posts;latest_posts(10); end

  liquid_methods :id, :name, :posts, :latest_10_posts

我不敢肯定你如何/如果能够把 para子带入 drop子。 资产负债表上的Ak。 我认为你能够这样做。

<><><> 我现在重新谈了你的问题,并看到你希望把这个段落寄给这个方法。 你可以在不止一个论点/参数上向液体过滤器发送。 因此,你可以有一个过滤器:

# Define as a Liquid filter
def latest_posts(blog, n)

# then call the filter in a template:
{{ blog2 | latest_posts: 10 }}  
# Note that the second param is after the filter name.



# By dd -- http://groups.google.com/group/liquid-templates/browse_thread/thread/bf48cfebee9fafd9
# This extension is usesd in order to expose the object of the implementing class
# to liquid as it were a Drop. It also limits the liquid-callable methods of the instance
# to the allowed method passed with the liquid_methods call
# Example:
# class SomeClass
#   liquid_methods :an_allowed_method
#   def an_allowed_method
#      this comes from an allowed method 
#   end
#   def unallowed_method
#      this will never be an output 
#   end
# end
# if you want to extend the drop to other methods you can define more methods
# in the class <YourClass>::LiquidDropClass
#   class SomeClass::LiquidDropClass
#     def another_allowed_method
#        and this is another allowed method 
#     end
#   end
# end
# usage:
# @something = SomeClass.new
# template:
# {{something.an_allowed_method}}{{something.unallowed_method}}{{something.another_allowed_method}}
# output:
#  this comes from an allowed method and this is another allowed method 
# You can also chain associations, by adding the liquid_method calls in the
# association models.
class Module

  def liquid_methods(*allowed_methods)
    drop_class = eval "class #{self.to_s}::LiquidDropClass < Liquid::Drop; self; end"
    define_method :to_liquid do

    drop_class.class_eval do
      allowed_methods.each do |sym|
        define_method sym do
          @object.send sym
      def initialize(object)
        @object = object


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