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java.lang.NullPointerException, when i am inside the constructor of a managed bean invoking methods from other beans

When I am inside the constructor of a managed and trying to reach out to other methods from other beans, I got java.lang.NullPointerException. Is there some kind of specification that not allow managed bean to do that?

private DisplayListController document;

DocumentSBean sBean;

public NewUserController() {

Above I just do regular bean injection, nothing fancy. document is a SessionScoped managed bean that has method list() which just return a String. NewUserController is a RequestScoped managed bean.


You should look into @PostConstruct. An example can be found here.

Your properties are not being set when you re trying to access them. You need to wait for them to be set. Bean management typically goes:

  1. Create Beans
  2. Set Properties

You re trying to use properties that have not been set, thus resulting in your NPE.

So your code could change to:

public NewUserController() { }

public void init() {

DisplayListController should probably be configured to call its own init method with the @PostConstruct annotation on the list method

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