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原标题:Can a Java class impersonate another Windows user?

I ve a Java servlet category which isaccessed a NetApp rafter for file. 该班在Windows 2003的Tomcat 6.0上运行,并使用主动目录进行校正,认证网络用户。

Tomcat(因此也是与Java servlet各班的网络应用程序)本身设有一个服务账户的<代码>xyz。 NetApp的夹对某些群体有各种许可。


"cmd.exe /C dsquery user -samid <username> dsget user -memberof -expand|grep -f <filename containing groups>"

这是一种轻率和错误,因为如果有人在NetApp的夹子上增加一个新组,除非我更新小组档案,否则上述指挥将失败。 因此,是否以任何方式冒用在 Java的利用,直接从净申请和通过上述反倾销检查获得档案?


Have you taken a look at LDAP libraries for Java such as OpenLDAP, LDAPTemplate, ... ? An interesting read to grasp more context on the issue could be the Tips for LDAP users from Sun

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