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Java反对Json node改划收益,科学上不考虑直接价值
原标题:Java object to Json node conversion returns scientific notation of bigdecimal instead of direct value

Using jackson 2.11, trying to convert java object to JsonNode and it returns scientific notation of Bigdecimal value. Bigdecimal value - 2000.0, returns scientific value 2e+3 instead I need 2000.0

private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
EmpDto emp = new EmpDto();
emp.setId = "1024";
emp.setEmpName = "Test";
emp.setEmpSal = BigDecimal.valueOf(2000.0)
  JsonNode source = objectMapper.valueToTree(emp);

public class EmpDto {
    private String empId;
    private String empName;
    private BigDecimal empSal;

模范改为json node之后,当时的田地为2e+3,但预计2000年。 页: 1



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