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A. 强权书上的 Wei行为
原标题:Weird behaviour in Powershell script
  • 时间:2010-09-08 13:30:19
  •  标签:
  • powershell


问题 我正面临:

  1. Instead of echoing "Checking out from svn://somePath1 to C:/somePath2" it echoes "Checking out from svn://somePath1 C:/somePath2 to"
  2. 在清理工作中心,它在试图执行<代码>Pushd时留下了以下错误。

    <Push-Location : Cannot convert  System.Object[]  to the type  System.String  
    required by parameter  LiteralPath . Specified method is not supported.
        + Pushd <<<<  $directory
        + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Push-Location], ParameterBindingException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PushLocationCommand>
  3. 最后,我看到了“<代码>”的错误:“指示的辛醇/代码”在执行<代码>时不正确。

我使用的职能如下。 我检查了交给这些职务的论点,这些论点是正确的。

#Checks out a copy from svnPath into appFilePath
Function Checkout-WorkingCopy($svnPath, $appFilePath) {

    Echo "Checking out from $svnPath to $appFilePath"

    svn checkout $svnPath $appFilePath --quiet

    Echo "Checkout Done"

#Deletes the working copy previously checked out
Function Cleanup-WorkingCopy($directory, $appFilePath) {

    Pushd $directory
    Cmd /C "Rmdir /S /Q $appFilePath"

看起来,像美元直接值一样,正在通过一系列价值观。 当你需要像检查所传递的价值那样做ug。 仅使用PowerShell s Remove-Item tridlet, 而不是 out碎:

Function Cleanup-WorkingCopy($directory, $appFilePath) { 
    $directory | Foreach {"$($_.GetType().Fullname): $_" }
    Pushd $directory 
    Remove-Item $appFilePath -Recurse -Force


Remove-Item $appFilePath -Recurse -Force


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