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iPhone UIAutomation button tap does not fire

I am trying to use UIAutomation in Instruments with the iPhone Simulator and the latest iOS SDK 4.1. Here is the snippet of javascript that is having a problem:

// there are sufficient delays here to make sure the view is loaded
UIALogger.logMessage("The button tapped");
for (var b = 0; b < main.buttons().length; b++)
    UIALogger.logMessage("Button title: " + main.buttons()[b].name());
UIALogger.logMessage("OK tapped");

The button name of "theButton" shows up in the logElementTree as well as showing up when I am logging the names of all the buttons, so it is correctly configured in the Interface Builder, but for some reason, it does not get tapped. I have other buttons earlier in the script that are getting tapped just fine, and if I abort the script at the point of the non-tapped button, I can click on the button in the Simulator and it works as expected.

EDIT: In the javascript for loop shown above, I had it tap each of the buttons in the main.buttons() array, and only 1 of the 12 identical buttons on the view gets the tap.

Also, in case you were wondering, I have this code at the top of the javascript file:

var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var app = target.frontMostApp();
var main = app.mainWindow();

And here is the line that shows the button information from the sequence of entries that logElementTree puts into the log messages:

4) UIAButton [name:theButton value:(null) NSRect: {{25, 93}, {74, 74}}]

I had similar problem with tapping a button on an actionSheet. I m performing the scripts on the actual device. My code is:

//check that action sheet is on the screen

//check that the button is on the actionSheet

//touch Exit button

All functions perform and pass, however the button is not pressed. logElementTree(); shows that the button is there.

I tried to add target.pushTimeout(5); after I check that the button is on the actionSheet in order to give it some time to detect and tap the button. This didn t help.

Then I added: target.delay(1); right after I check that the button is on the actionSheet and before tapping it. It helped in my case, the script is more robust and stable now.



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