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原标题:How to get a random integer in Freemarker template?

Freemarker does not provide a random number generator at the moment. You can implement a naive random number generator using the time ( .now ) as a seed, but it should never be a critical part of your program.

你可以在 Java产生随机的愤怒,并将这种愤怒传递给自由标识模板。


这方面的一个例子是 Java8如何做到这一点:

public String generate(Map<String, Object> data, String templateLocation) throws IOException, TemplateException {
    try (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter()) {
        Template template = configuration.getTemplate(templateLocation);
        data.put("uuid", (TemplateMethodModelEx) (list) -> UUID.randomUUID());
        Random r = new Random();
        // Adding method for generation of random number
        data.put("randomNumber", (TemplateMethodModelEx) (list) -> r.nextInt(200));
        template.process(data, writer);
        return writer.toString();



我只是把一个相对随机的生成器放在一起。 采用<代码>.now?long的微秒,并用你的种子(salt)加以多倍。 (就第7条而言)和三者之间的差距。 在我的案件中,我只需要5个数字,但每天可以达到每秒13位数。 或者说,如果你想增加更多的乘数、增加数等等的话。

<#function randomNumber salt>
    <#local str= .now?long />
    <#assign str = (str * salt)/3 />
    <#return str[(str?string?length-5)..]/>

<#assign rnd = randomNumber(7)/>


Let s say you want to add a random image out of some set to each listed item. So get a seed, and then rotate that seed in some way.

<#assign photos>
<#assign photos = photos?split( \n ,  rmc ) >
<#assign nextRandom = .now?string["HHmmssSSS"]?number>

<#list posts as post>
     <div class="banner divider" style="background-image: url(photos/panoramas/${photos[nextRandom % photos?size]});"></div>
     <#assign nextRandom = nextRandom * 13 % 104729>

我选择了<代码>nextRandom = 下一个Random * 13 % 104729,但我必须从统计角度讲,这非常不是原则。 还确保104729人比你收集的钱多。

。 专用变量参考资料

更好的办法,至少对于超文本处理,是把这种收集工作带往 Java,并从那里收集:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var photos = [ <#list photos as photo>  ${photo} , </#list> ];
    var randomPhoto = photos[Math.floor(photos.length * Math.random())];

See e.g. Math.random( at MDN.

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