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Oath+Twitter IPhoneSDK

Does anyone know of a good example utilizing the twitter API and Oauth authentication for sending Twits iPhone SDK ...........

I got stuck @ sending the twits .........I can make a successful login to twitter Via Oauth+MGTwiiterEngine (Can check the credentials).

Now based on that session I want to know how to send twits..

Or either i can do this thing if i can get username & passsword when doing login...but how can i do that????

Help me in either of case..


Use the following to tweet on some event or Button Action

        if(![_engine isAuthorized]){  
        UIViewController *controller = [SA_OAuthTwitterController controllerToEnterCredentialsWithTwitterEngine:_engine delegate:self];  

        if (controller){  
            [self presentModalViewController: controller animated: YES];  


        [_engine sendUpdate:tweetContent];


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我不禁要问,那里是否有任何实例表明从Peit向服务器发送音响。 I m不关心电话或SIP风格的解决办法,只是一个简单的袖珍流程......

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