- Give all my tree nodes the same css class so I can access them from JQuery
- have a timer in my JQuery function that used ajax to go to the database, when a certain value is returned then stop the timer
Two questions here. How can I make my function run for each of the nodes and how do I do a timer in JavaScript, so:
$( cssClassOfAllMyNodes ).WhatFunctionToCallHere?((){
//How do I do Timer functionality in JavaScript?
//use Ajax to go to database and retrieve a value
if (result = 1)
//How to stop the timer here?
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基本上我要实现的是Windows Workflow类型的功能,在我的树形结构中,每个节点根据其状态更新其图像,其状态是通过查询数据库得到的,该数据库具有与树节点唯一关键字。如果您有任何其他实现方式的想法,我很乐意听取您的建议。再次感谢。