English 中文(简体)
原标题:Java: Split string when an uppercase letter is found


我有<代码>String,例如> thisIsMyString>,我需要将其改为String[]{>this”、“Is”、“My”、“String>



您可使用一只带有零宽度正面的 look头的reg,但发现上层字母,但并未将其列入限定范围:

String s = "thisIsMyString";
String[] r = s.split("(?=\p{Upper})");

<代码>Y(?=X)对匹配sY, 之后是X,但n t中是否包括X。 ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗ 将其用作限制。

See javadoc for more info on Java regexp syntax.

http://www.un.org。 这样,它就与<编码>有关。 对于非ASCII上层信函,你需要一个统法协会的上层品级,而不是PPOSIX:

String[] r = s.split("(?=\p{Lu})");
String[] camelCaseWords = s.split("(?=[A-Z])");


String s = "ThisIsMyString";
String[] r = s.split("(?<=.)(?=\p{Lu})");

说明: 页: 1

String:split 定期表达你们可以使用一个头目:

String[] x = "thisIsMyString".split("(?=[A-Z])");


static Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?=\p{Lu})");
String[] s1 = p.split("thisIsMyFirstString");
String[] s2 = p.split("thisIsMySecondString");


该校将分在Caps上,先拨。 因此,它应当处理 came事和适当的案件。


TestText = Test, Text
thisIsATest = this, Is, A, Test

一项简单的 s/java建议,如NYC,在整个顶级体内不分裂:

def splitAtMiddleUppercase(token: String): Iterator[String] = {
   val regex = """[p{Lu}]*[^p{Lu}]*""".r
   regex.findAllIn(token).filter(_ != "") // did not find a way not to produce empty strings in the regex. Open to suggestions.


val examples = List("catch22", "iPhone", "eReplacement", "TotalRecall", "NYC", "JGHSD87", "interÜber")
for( example <- examples) {
   println(example + " -> "  + splitAtMiddleUppercase(example).mkString("[", ", ", "]"))


    catch22 -> [catch22]
    iPhone -> [i, Phone]
    eReplacement -> [e, Replacement]
    TotalRecall -> [Total, Recall]
    NYC -> [NYC]
    JGHSD87 -> [JGHSD87]
    interÜber -> [inter, Über]


      String str = "IAmAJavaProgrammer";
  StringBuilder expected = new StringBuilder(); 
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {

            expected.append(" ");



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