Here there s a brief explanation of how we can "simulate" the RSL system used in Flex with pure AS3: loading an RSL without using flex?
但是,与已签署的RSLs有什么关系? 我们能够利用这一技术来装载SWZ的档案? 他们是否会被参与者 ca弄? 参与者在一个纯粹的SAP3项目中如何“重新使用”SWZ?
Thanks! Enrique.
Here there s a brief explanation of how we can "simulate" the RSL system used in Flex with pure AS3: loading an RSL without using flex?
但是,与已签署的RSLs有什么关系? 我们能够利用这一技术来装载SWZ的档案? 他们是否会被参与者 ca弄? 参与者在一个纯粹的SAP3项目中如何“重新使用”SWZ?
Thanks! Enrique.
OK, This is the solution (not tested yet but I m pretty sure it works)
Example from the Adobe s AS3 Reference:
//URLRequest, digest property:
var myURLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
myURLReq.url = "http://yourdomain/users/jdoe/test01/_rsc/Automated/AssetCaching_rsc/test01/rsl.swz";
myURLReq.digest = "3B0AA28C7A990385E044D80F5637FB036317BB41E044D80F5637FB036317BB41";
var myURLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
myURLLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
myURLLoader.addEventListener("complete", onC);
function onC(e) {
var someLoader:Loader = new Loader();
So, we can load a signed RSL (.SWZ) like any other SWF, BUT! we must use URLLoader, not Loader, and provide the digest property. Then we use Loader to load the byteArray from URLLoader. The signed SWZ is checked internally by the Player, and if it detects is signed by adobe, then it will be cached by the Player, we don t need to do anything. I think Flash Player checks automatically, and before loading any SWZ, if that SWZ is already cached by the player.
if you want to see more details, check my reply in FlexCoders:
SWC(ESWZ)签名被装入闪电器,而不是浏览器。 因此,目前只有Adobe才允许有可信赖的总督法。
预载量? 仅知道一种方式实际上并不是一种方式,而是说,在您之前,你就有一个信息页或标志页。 软体,当用户可能读物时,装上RSLs,列入使用与主用相同的RSLs的轻度SWF。 它是一种che,但当带宽是最低限度时,它就看到了它的使用,并且想在头一次装货时就把 ban放在 ban上。
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